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Bearcat 898T and Boston Fire

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Live in Brewster and am trying to get the 5 channels of Boston Fire with no success so far- unfortunately as well as I know, there is no internet streaming for Boston Fire alone, although they can be heard mixed with many other boston departments of which I have no interest. I would appreciate any advice, help, antennae suggestions within reason( i.e. no large tower) and mostly if anyone who lives on the outer Cape has been able to receive them. Thanks John - tiggypoo2@comcast.net

If you live in Brewster, and are expecting to receive Boston FD from your location with pretty much any radio, without an outside antenna, I'd say your chance are slim at best. Even with my roof mounted Diamond Discone, about 40 ft. above ground, they are hit or miss for me here in Sandwich.
There were 3 or 4 ppl listening in TS yesterday.
i get BPD fairly reguraly, But The Fire dept. really only makes it down this way on DX. (When atmosperic conditions are good) and cant be recieved very much (I live on Sandwich also)
Dear John Mullaney, Thanks so much for making the scan boston site available. I have been on it for about 4 days now, and it is great. Told my old buddy in North Carolina about it(also was with CD10) and he's trying to get it there. I only hope that this site does not go the way of tac9, or include more traffic as with 1st. responder. John(tiggypoo2@comcst.com
GREAT JOB John.... Now I dont have to wait til Dec to hear BFD. Keep up the great work.

I believe what he means is that the notification/buff group TAC 9 used to have a strictly Boston Fire Feed which was similar to the http://www.bostonfirelive.com web site. The second part of his meesage was about the 1st Responder group and their Boston feed....I guess....... Hope that clears up your......... HUH!
Secondly I believe the December comment relates to a post in a similar thread about a new antenna tower going online for Boston Fire Chs 1-4 in a few weeks. It's 140 ft high located in Dorchester, south and away from the city. Shoukd improve listening all around.... especially for those like myself who are on the fringe now.

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