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Whitman Winterfest '25 - Saturday, January 18, 2025.

The flyer is issued.

Details are the same...

WARC's annual First Best HamFest of the Year !!!
Amateur Radio Flea Market Opens 9AM to 1PM.
Table Setup starts at 7am.
Walk-ins $5. Tables $15.
Raffle Prizes include High Power HT's, and gift certificates

Whitman Knights of Columbus
Route 18, 1195 Bedford St. Whitman MA 02382

Checks for tables can be mailed to:
Whitman Amateur Radio Club
PO Box 48
Whitman MA 02382

The single most important question for this event is...

What time do we meet at the Cowbell?

There will be a Cowbell breakfast and lunch at the 151 Grill. Plans are being formulated and will be announced soon!! P25 tactical frequencies are being planned. Stay tuned and don't touch that dial!
There will be a Cowbell breakfast and lunch at the 151 Grill. Plans are being formulated and will be announced soon!! P25 tactical frequencies are being planned. Stay tuned and don't touch that dial!
Hold on. I have to find a radio that still has a dial... standby.
HAM=Have Another Meal Saturday Jan 18th week after next.

Before and after the first best Ham Fest of the Year The Whitman Flea
Whitman Knights of Columbus Route 18, 1195 Bedford St. Whitman MA 02382

WinterFest 2025
WinterFest 2025 Saturday-January 18th 9am-1pm The First Best HamFest of the Year Whitman Amateur Radio Club K of C Hall Rt. 18 Whitman MA $5 entry fee with Raffle Prizes

8am Breakfast at the Cowbell Cafe 25 South Ave, Whitman, MA 02382

12noon Lunch at Grill 151 151 Main St, Weymouth, MA 02188
https://grille151.com/ (I will make a reservation if we can get some sort of count)

Talk in on Marshfield VHF P25 for the cool kids 900 will be monitored as well it will be Whacktastic!
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I haven't heard back from a lot of folks but I'm going to reach out to Chris the owner of the 151 Grille and let him know we have a group on the way Saturday. I'm picking a number out of the air at this point but I'm going to start with 8 and we will update as it get's closer.
I haven't heard back from a lot of folks but I'm going to reach out to Chris the owner of the 151 Grille and let him know we have a group on the way Saturday. I'm picking a number out of the air at this point but I'm going to start with 8 and we will update as it get's closer.
I'm in for both John.
I will be using Marshfield VHF P25/Analog mixed mode in my mobile and will have the 900 portable with me. WT also works pretty good down there too. Note: The south shore repeaters with their MMDVM cards require your DMR ID to work in P25 so you may need a personality for them. https://nerepeaters.com/
I have programmed North Smithfield in the radios. I already have the other UHF and VHF P25 repeaters. I have all the 900 MHz repeaters thanks to AJ1L, although Abington is in my local zone and Whitman 900 is in one of the all of Massachusetts zones.