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Submitting Data and Wiki Guidelines. (UPDATE)

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Chief Jabroni
Staff member
Welcome to Scan New England!
Wish to submit data for Scan New England's wiki? It's easy... read below...

We ask that you provide as much information as possible.

Please make sure submissions are divided up per county, unless it is a statewide system (Such as CoMIRS), then please have it divided up per state for us. We'd rather have six submissions broken down to six states vs, one giant statewide. This makes it easier when editing the submissions on our end.

A couple of long standing ground rules do apply.
* Confirmed information only. Only information you have personally confirmed will be accepted. No data copied from other databases (Including the FCC), websites, or forums.
* No covert, under-cover, or information that shouldn't be publicly displayed
* No inputs or input tones
* Radio Shop or licensee data is great, but please confirm its use with an "off air" monitor before submitting. If you are submitting radio shop data, please clearly state it in the submission. Radio Shop vendor names, with rare exceptions (i.e. Industrial Communications and Electronics trunk) shouldn't be disclosed. If you are the licensee, vendor or involved in the licensing of a radio system, we won't add your data until confirmed by an independent third party.
* Don't submit information you don't want to be published.

Please note: We only reconfirm data once in a calendar year, unless something has changed within the year.

Our DB Admins (members who's name are in Green), ecps92, Myself and Scott do all the edits. If you need to contact us about an edit, feel free.
We do make the final call on all submissions, and occasionally some won't be processed for various reasons.
We also reserve the right to remove data without further explanation.

When the entry is completed, your submission will be moved to the completed sub-forum here.


-- Mike
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Adding two more notes.

1) While we like to keep this forum to confirmed submissions, occasionally questions and or dialogue from the submission comes up. However, with regards to this forum, we do ask that the discussion be kept on track of the original post. Lengthier discussions will be moved to the appropriate forum at the moderator's discretion, and whatever information parses from that discussion will be used to be submitted to the DB, preferably from another post.

2) Deleting of "old" frequencies will only occur when it is confirmed that 100% of the equipment associated with the frequency is removed from service. Often times because a frequency is not heard in a few years, doesn't mean the frequency is dead. Often times, frequencies will zombie their way back to life with another user and equipment that has been "resurrected back from the dead".

Thanks again for all you folks do for us here at Scan New England.
New guidelines for submitting data.

You MUST use a "prefix" from the drop down menu! This will tell us if what you're submitting is new, if it needs to be changed, corrected, or is an update (such as a reconfirmation), or data that can be deleted. At the top of the forum, you'll see the Thread Title box. As soon as you type in it, the message box expands! Remember all the guidelines above remain the same. When you're ready, hit "post thread".
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