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ICE Con+ info in DSDPlus format


Granby, CT
I took the info for the Con+ ICE system from the WIKI and put it in the DSDPlus format in the attached file.
Download and open the file. Cut the first part and paste it in the .NETWORKS file, the second part in the .SITES file and the third part in the .FREQUENCIES file.

As more of the sites are discovered and figured out, you simply put the correct frequencies in the proper location in the .FREQUENCIES file under the proper site and remove the semicolon in front of each line.
ICE sites & freqs.txt

Update for site 11:

;Site 11 - unk SE MA or RI

Con+, 134, 11, 1, 938.1250, 0.0, 1
Con+, 134, 11, 3, 938.1125, 0.0, 2

Hey Chris, I've tried to add sys freqs for Upton. Once I save them they don't populate when I run DSD. Even if I restart the program. I don't know if i'm doing something wrong. This is what I entered,

;Site 21 - Upton, MA

;Con+, 134, 21, 1, 937.2500, 0.0, 1
;Con+, 134, 21, 3, 937.7375, 0.0, 2
;Con+, 134, 21, 5, 938.7250, 0.0, 3
;Con+, 134, 21, 7, 936.7000, 0.0, 4
;Con+, 134, 21, 9, 936.6875, 0.0, 5

Also update to Paxton. I found 2 more frequencies. I added the new freqs and they show up when I run DSD

;Site 13 - Paxton MA

Con+, 134, 13, 1, 936.5750, 0.0, 1
Con+, 134, 13, 3, 936.5875, 0.0, 2
Con+, 134, 13, 5, 936.6000, 0.0, 3
Con+, 134, 13, 7, 937.4000, 0.0, 4
Con+, 134, 13, 9, 936.3875, 0.0, 5
Con+, 134, 13, 11, 936.5000, 0.0, 6
Con+, 134, 13, 13, 936.4875, 0.0, 7
Not sure about DSD but with DSDPlus, the semicolon is a symbol that tells the program to ignore the line. I used it to indicate that the data there was incomplete. Simply remove the semicolons from each line and you should be good to go. Don't forget to edit the SITES file and correct that as needed.

One thing I've noticed that causes anomalies is having any characters after the last character of the channel list. For example, a space, CR, or LF seems to make other than normal things happen. The last character of the channel list (in this case the 7 as shown above) must be the absolute last character of the file.

Not sure if that helps but I found that out the hard way. :)
I have to look at my files and see if I put a comma after that. It might explain why DSD+ acts goofy and won't FMP won't generate the correct voice channels. I was planning to delete everything from the DSD+ directory on my SDR computer and start all over again. Speaking of which, will I have to start from 0.74 and install each update or can I just install 1.01?

Scott SNE Webmaster said:
One thing I've noticed that causes anomalies is having any characters after the last character of the channel list. For example, a space, CR, or LF seems to make other than normal things happen. The last character of the channel list (in this case the 7 as shown above) must be the absolute last character of the file.

Not sure if that helps but I found that out the hard way. :)
That sounds exactly like the problem I had prior to discovering the solution! :)

You should be able to go right to the current version as long as you have the first version that supported trunking installed.
Thanks. I'm going to look at my frequency files tonight and see if I put a comma after the last item. If I did it for one, I likely did it for all since I just copy catted the format. With luck, that will be it. Do you recall which version was the first to support trunking?

Scott SNE Webmaster said:
That sounds exactly like the problem I had prior to discovering the solution! :)

You should be able to go right to the current version as long as you have the first version that supported trunking installed.
Does anyone have a DSDPlus.frequencies file they can share with me? Preferably something for eastern/southeastern ma.

I checked and I think I have something fouled up there, but I can't find it. One difference between my file and Paul's is that I have the frequencies in each line twice.


Con+, 134, 21, 1, 937.2500, 937.2500, 1

Is it possible that putting the second frequency in twice is messing something up?

disp617 said:
Hey Chris, I've tried to add sys freqs for Upton. Once I save them they don't populate when I run DSD. Even if I restart the program. I don't know if i'm doing something wrong. This is what I entered,

;Site 21 - Upton, MA

;Con+, 134, 21, 1, 937.2500, 0.0, 1
;Con+, 134, 21, 3, 937.7375, 0.0, 2
;Con+, 134, 21, 5, 938.7250, 0.0, 3
;Con+, 134, 21, 7, 936.7000, 0.0, 4
;Con+, 134, 21, 9, 936.6875, 0.0, 5
Duplicate disp617's site 21 - Upton MA example from post # 11 but remember to remove the semi-colons that precedes each of the five Con+ lines.

Hi Gary,

I made a separate file with all of my systems in it. It could be named anything but I named it systems.txt. When I want to monitor a particular system I copy/paste the info in it to the DSDPlus.frequencies file. I drag the mouse over the old data and then paste the new data. That's worked for me as there's minimal chances of any extra characters winding up in the .frequencies file.

The "better" file I have is actually at work, it primarily covers the cape, but I do have Network 134 Site 1 in there as well. If it would help I'll send it along tomorrow morning. I usually leave it running in the background during the day. I use the SDRPlay as the control channel device, and of course am bound to a RTL stick as the voice channel device, but the TXCO devices work just fine.

garys said:
Does anyone have a DSDPlus.frequencies file they can share with me? Preferably something for eastern/southeastern ma.

I checked and I think I have something fouled up there, but I can't find it. One difference between my file and Paul's is that I have the frequencies in each line twice.


Con+, 134, 21, 1, 937.2500, 937.2500, 1

Is it possible that putting the second frequency in twice is messing something up?
I like the system.txt idea. I think some of my problems crept in when I got too cute and put all of the Network 134 frequencies into one file. It's likely that an error crept in their somewhere. I can receive Site 1 at my house, so I could use your file to try and test my set up. I'm convinced that this is a stupid error that crept into the frequency file somewhere. If you'll send your file along, at the least I can compare the two side by side and see where I might have gone wrong.


Scott SNE Webmaster said:
Hi Gary,

I made a separate file with all of my systems in it. It could be named anything but I named it systems.txt. When I want to monitor a particular system I copy/paste the info in it to the DSDPlus.frequencies file. I drag the mouse over the old data and then paste the new data. That's worked for me as there's minimal chances of any extra characters winding up in the .frequencies file.

The "better" file I have is actually at work, it primarily covers the cape, but I do have Network 134 Site 1 in there as well. If it would help I'll send it along tomorrow morning. I usually leave it running in the background during the day. I use the SDRPlay as the control channel device, and of course am bound to a RTL stick as the voice channel device, but the TXCO devices work just fine.

I took the frequency information I have and added it to the original file plus thread updates, and renamed it -2. There were some differences in order for Site 6, Site 7, and Site 13. I kept the originals commented out. One of the Site 13 frequencies maybe a typo. The other two belong to another nearby site, so it could be a mistake or the frequencies could have been reassigned. Fortunately the two sites use different color codes (13 versus 14).

I noted the color codes in the site comments.

73 Eric
So my saga continues. Redoing the DSDPlus.frequencies file didn't correct my problem. So, I reinstalled everything from scratch. SDR# feeds the signal to CC.bat no problem. I get good signal and the data is correct. Now, I'm trying to figure out FMP-VC and VC.bat. My problem is with FMP-VC, I think. My configuration is FMP -i1 -o2002 -Po.o -rv. When I try to start FMP-VC I get a message "Invalid Wave Out Device or TCP Port specified". When I start VC.bat, I get a message that it is trying to connect to Port 20002, but that the target machine is actively rejecting it. My configuration for VC.bat is DSDPlus -rv -i20002 -o1 -v3. The rest of that line relates to where the windows will open, so I won't include them.

Any ideas on what I did wrong here?

I think I had better results when I used VBCable to connect FMP-VC to VC.bat, but it appears that is no longer an option.