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DSDPlus Fast Lane v2.505 released


Granby, CT
New version of DSDPlus released. Use menu in DSDPlus FL to download and use existing password to extract.

Some interesting things in the Notes

DSD+ 2.505

Decoding of a few more P25 control channel messages has been added.

Added a "HighPPMerr" display to the event log and channel activity window titles.

Added decoding of Harris P25 Talker Alias messages during Phase I calls.

Added support for Motorola scrambled talker aliases. These are radio aliases that are sent over the air in a scrambled form on some Motorola P25 systems.

- OTA alias data and cleartext aliases are stored in the DSDPlus.radios file. User-entered radio aliases are unaffected.

- This feature requires an Internet connection. During periods of no connectivity, DSD+ will buffer server requests.

- DSD+ may partially unscramble aliases without assistance from the alias server. In the various DSD+ windows, partial unscrambles are denoted by underscores replacing scrambled characters. In the DSDPlus.radios file, tilde characters (~) are used instead of underscores.

Use the DSD+ Misc menu to control various aspects of this new feature.

Seems that the Motorola Talker Aliases if for Motorola radios on Motorola systems. If you have a mix of Motorola, Kenwood, Harris, etc, you will see only the Motorola units.
The radio file line with the OTA alias data looks like:
P25, BEE00.3A9, 551, 65014, 50, Normal, 1, 2024/10/29 9:11, "" 012E585204AA9868891E7845BCA98584CF2ED7490000000000000000000000000005DBA9FE""
